I absolutely love this song right now! My coworker showed it to me a few weeks ago and it is just so catchy. I love this video too!! ps I love Ashley Tisdale in the video!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Amazing 5 year old Little Gymnast....
Here is my niece Jersie!! She is AMAZING at gymnastics and my sister made this video of her just doing gymnastics at their house one day! Love her!!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
I know that my Redeemer lives!!
This is absolutely my favorite song!! I love it!! Every time I hear it or sing it I end up crying! The fourth verse is my favorite! I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Come What May and Love It
All I can say is this talk is amazing! It is definitely one of my favorite! It gives me such comfort. Just got to remember you just have to laugh sometimes....
Saturday, February 4, 2012
It was my mom's birthday yesterday Feb. 3! I was so happy because I was able to be home from St. George for it. Well I decided to write a post about my mom because I was going through my room up north and I found a talk I gave when I was a Young Women in my home ward. I want to share what I wrote and I want to add to it because seriously my mom is AMAZING!! Ok so a little introduction my topic for the talk was charity. I gave 7 qualities that charity is composed of and used my mom in each of the qualities. I am going to add a little more to some of them now because I have realized so much that can be added now.
First is PATIENCE. I mean I don't think I need to say more than she has 9 kids and 14 grand kids. She always handles everything so calmly and never gets mad at us knowing that we will make the right decision, even though it takes some of us longer. She is always willing to wait and make sure we get the things done.
Second is KINDNESS. My mom has shown kindness in many ways, The main way she has shown it is the way she helps everyone especially my sister Brynn (my handicapped sister). She is always making sure Brynn has everything she needs and is always helping her. She does everything for Brynn and never complains. She brings her with her everywhere she goes and takes care of her so well. Also, she shows kindness in the way she helped my grandparents that lived in our basement (both just passed away this past year). She did their laundry, made them meals (which she would make two meals because my grandma was a vegetarian), she went shopping for them, took them to doctor appointments and was always running errands for them regularly.
Third is THOUGHTFULNESS. My mom is always thinking of everyone! She worries about what they may think and doesn't want to offend anyone. She is always concerned on what is going on in our lives. My mom always makes calls to all the kids just checking up on them or seeing what is going on. I will now add since being down at school the last 4 years she always thought of me and made sure I had everything I needed. I loved when got a call from my mom saying I haven't talked to you in awhile what is going on. She always thought of me and would get me updated on the family.
Fourth is UNSELFISHNESS. My mom is very unselfish, She is so unselfish that we usually have to force her to go get her nails done or go shopping for herself, but even if she goes shopping for herself she ends up bringing back clothes for someone else. Also, when it comes to eating with my family she is always the last one to eat because she wants to make sure everyone got food. Sometimes we really have to dish up a plate for her just so she will eat. Also, she will drop anything she is doing for us kids. My mom has always been there to support all of us. For example, when my brother and sisters need a babysitter she is always the first to volunteer and stop whatever she is doing to watch them. For me she has dropped everything to come and support me in my soccer career. She was so unselfish that she gave up thanksgiving dinners to come watch me play or any other plans. My mom puts everyone before herself and is always serving everyone else.
Fifth is LOVE FOR FELLOWMEN. My mom seriously loves everyone. I have never heard my mom say she hates anyone. She loves and cares for everyone. My favorite thing she told me was "You don't hate anyone; you just dislike what they did." Can I just say now that saying is soo true. I have grown to learn through my mom's example to love everyone I have come into contact with. I mean we are commanded to love one another and my mom has shown that to me.
Sixth is CLEANLINESS. My mom has always been clean and pure in the church. She is always worthy to go to the temple. Also, she has great standards that are an example to me. My mom is probably one of the most innocent people I know. She has been an example to me and has taught me to stay clean and to use the atonement so I can stay clean and pure.
Seventh is ENDURANCE. My mom has shown endurance through all the hard times she has been through. Some of her greatest challenges come from her family and their actions or needs, yet she doesn't complain, just endures. She always stays steadfast and keeps enduring to the end no matter what happens in her life. Seriously, I look back at everything my mom has been through and I have no idea how she does it all. She just continues to press forward looks at the big picture. She is an example of a person enduring to the end.
I remember giving this talk and surprising my mom with it. She had no idea that I was going to talk about her. I remember after sacrament going up to her and her eyes were filled with tears thanking me for saying everything. Also, her humble side came out and said she didn't deserve all those things said about her. My mom really is amazing. I look up to her so much. She has taught me pretty much everything I know. I don't think she realizes the example she is to me. I honestly would be completely lost without her and the help and advice she gives me. I could go on forever about my mom and everything she has done for me. I love my mom and I am so grateful for her. I hate to break it to everyone but I definitely have the BEST MOM EVER!!
First is PATIENCE. I mean I don't think I need to say more than she has 9 kids and 14 grand kids. She always handles everything so calmly and never gets mad at us knowing that we will make the right decision, even though it takes some of us longer. She is always willing to wait and make sure we get the things done.
Second is KINDNESS. My mom has shown kindness in many ways, The main way she has shown it is the way she helps everyone especially my sister Brynn (my handicapped sister). She is always making sure Brynn has everything she needs and is always helping her. She does everything for Brynn and never complains. She brings her with her everywhere she goes and takes care of her so well. Also, she shows kindness in the way she helped my grandparents that lived in our basement (both just passed away this past year). She did their laundry, made them meals (which she would make two meals because my grandma was a vegetarian), she went shopping for them, took them to doctor appointments and was always running errands for them regularly.
Third is THOUGHTFULNESS. My mom is always thinking of everyone! She worries about what they may think and doesn't want to offend anyone. She is always concerned on what is going on in our lives. My mom always makes calls to all the kids just checking up on them or seeing what is going on. I will now add since being down at school the last 4 years she always thought of me and made sure I had everything I needed. I loved when got a call from my mom saying I haven't talked to you in awhile what is going on. She always thought of me and would get me updated on the family.
Fourth is UNSELFISHNESS. My mom is very unselfish, She is so unselfish that we usually have to force her to go get her nails done or go shopping for herself, but even if she goes shopping for herself she ends up bringing back clothes for someone else. Also, when it comes to eating with my family she is always the last one to eat because she wants to make sure everyone got food. Sometimes we really have to dish up a plate for her just so she will eat. Also, she will drop anything she is doing for us kids. My mom has always been there to support all of us. For example, when my brother and sisters need a babysitter she is always the first to volunteer and stop whatever she is doing to watch them. For me she has dropped everything to come and support me in my soccer career. She was so unselfish that she gave up thanksgiving dinners to come watch me play or any other plans. My mom puts everyone before herself and is always serving everyone else.
Fifth is LOVE FOR FELLOWMEN. My mom seriously loves everyone. I have never heard my mom say she hates anyone. She loves and cares for everyone. My favorite thing she told me was "You don't hate anyone; you just dislike what they did." Can I just say now that saying is soo true. I have grown to learn through my mom's example to love everyone I have come into contact with. I mean we are commanded to love one another and my mom has shown that to me.
Sixth is CLEANLINESS. My mom has always been clean and pure in the church. She is always worthy to go to the temple. Also, she has great standards that are an example to me. My mom is probably one of the most innocent people I know. She has been an example to me and has taught me to stay clean and to use the atonement so I can stay clean and pure.
Seventh is ENDURANCE. My mom has shown endurance through all the hard times she has been through. Some of her greatest challenges come from her family and their actions or needs, yet she doesn't complain, just endures. She always stays steadfast and keeps enduring to the end no matter what happens in her life. Seriously, I look back at everything my mom has been through and I have no idea how she does it all. She just continues to press forward looks at the big picture. She is an example of a person enduring to the end.
I remember giving this talk and surprising my mom with it. She had no idea that I was going to talk about her. I remember after sacrament going up to her and her eyes were filled with tears thanking me for saying everything. Also, her humble side came out and said she didn't deserve all those things said about her. My mom really is amazing. I look up to her so much. She has taught me pretty much everything I know. I don't think she realizes the example she is to me. I honestly would be completely lost without her and the help and advice she gives me. I could go on forever about my mom and everything she has done for me. I love my mom and I am so grateful for her. I hate to break it to everyone but I definitely have the BEST MOM EVER!!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
guess what........
it's official........
the doc said.......
Ok I know that sounds a little weird to be excited about something so simple but let me fill you in I tore my ACL on Oct 8th and I haven't jogged since that day. I have been waiting for this day for sooo long and I can't wait to try jogging. I am actually pretty nervous about it and I know I will look quite funny when I first try but I don't care one bit. The doc also told me today that I can start hiking too!! I am so excited to be active again....sitting around has killed me!! Well I will be trying to jog either later today or tomorrow so we shall see how it goes!!Saturday, January 28, 2012
Summer of 2011
Ok there is soo much that has happened this past 8 months that I haven't blogged about. I decided to break it up so the post wasn't forever long so first I am going to talk about my summer 2011.
I am pretty sure it was the summer of weddings. Three of my best girlfriends all got married this past summer. There were three girls from my soccer team that got married and I am pretty sure there were a few more weddings I went to that I am forgetting about

I am pretty sure it was the summer of weddings. Three of my best girlfriends all got married this past summer. There were three girls from my soccer team that got married and I am pretty sure there were a few more weddings I went to that I am forgetting about
Cortnee and Todd's Wedding
(Minni, Beacher, Robin, and Danica also in pic)
Lauren and Chris's Wedding
This is the last day in our apartment at Rebel Creek. Seriously, this was such a sad day. I couldn't believe I was leaving STG. I won't lie I might of teared up a little bit on the way home. Also, this was the last day with our roommate Paige. She is now Sister Conrow in Independence, Missouri. I love her and miss her so much! Her mom is also in the pic because this was the day of her Farewell in STG.
Some of my nieces and nephews made signs for my sister Brynn. She had problems and was in the hospital for a week. This was the day she was finally allowed to come back home.
Jess and I going down the giant slip n slide at flat iron!! Soo fun!
Second, moved home....I moved back to Sandy for the summer. (Mainly because I had all the weddings to go to)
Third, Family and Friends
This summer was way fun because all my friends got back from their missions and we had so much fun. We were always doing something every night. It definitely was one of the best summer's ever!! Also, just being at home with my family again was a blast. I had lived in st. george the previous 2 years so it was good to just be able to always be around my family. I love them so much.
(Tyson, Eddy, Haws, Zach, Jess, Me, John, and Taira)
Some of my family celebrating the 4th of July!! My family is crazy and it is always a party when we are all together. I love it! I laugh so much when I am with them.
(Alicia, Janelle, Ammon, Minni, Courtney, Me, Alex, and Nikki)
BNDR (Bowling Night Done Right) Every Thursday my friends and I would go bowling for super cheap. We would all wear jersey's or whatever we decided that night. It was great!
McCaslin playing soccer. It is my favorite thing to go watch my nieces and nephews play soccer or do whatever sport they did!! Love it and especially love this girl. She wants to do everything I do. I asked her where she wanted to play college and she said Dixie!! I don't know if I am the best role model but I am glad she looks up to me!
Lastly, just a few other things I did this summer were working out every morning at 6 with Minni (we seriously only missed 2 days), reffed the dixie camp for a week (soo funny having all the girls get mad and act like its a championship game), played lots of indoor, pool parties, swimming, laying out, snow cones, scooter rides, motorcycles rides, and just lots of laughing and having fun!!
It was an amazing summer and I loved everything about it! I wish I could go into detail about everything but maybe someday I will refer back to it all.
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